Saturday, April 28, 2012

31 Day Dress Dare Challenge

I belong to a Catholic women's Bible study and fellowship group. We are worldwide and a good friend from my last group, we'll call her Demanda, in Germany told me about a challenge she and my old group is doing. May is the month in which we honor our heavenly Mother, Mary. And we should all strive to be like Mary. You know the saying "What would Jesus Do?" Well, I challenge you "What would Mary do?" if she lived today? What would she wear? Who would she hang out? What would she read or watch on TV or at the movies?

Demanda's group is taking up a 31 day dress dare challenge. They are going to wear skirts and dresses for the 31 days of May in honor of our Mother, Mary. She challenged me, too. At first I scoffed! I live in Hawaii!! We go to the beach, and the pool, and hiking, and stuff. And I walk the dog. And sometimes wearing skirts all day isn't so comfy on the inner thighs, you know what I mean?

And then I thought, I live in Hawaii.. How hard can it be? At least I won't have to look for leggings to wear under my skirts on chilly days like my friend Demanda in Germany. And all of the reasons why I CAN wear skirts all month started piling up in my mind. I already have lots of skirts in my closet. But I need more casual skirts. No problem, Old Navy always has a great selection of casual skirts. What about that thigh problem? Time to head to the sports store and Ross to find bike shorts. I can wear t-shirts and my slippah's. I also realized that I tend to wear the same jeans or capris several times a week. So what's the difference between doing that and wearing a skirt and t-shirt?

Demanda challenged me to google the 31 Day Dress Dare Challenge. I did and found a couple of good blogs of women's experiences doing the challenge. D speaks on the rules. You can wear pants to work out and to sleep in. Swimming suits are going to be a challenge here in Hawaii. I already wear a skirted swimsuit and am not planning to get a full body suit. Sorry. I feel I am already modest enough on the beach. speaks to how this young lady felt after wearing skirts and dresses for 31 days. I wonder if I will really feel the interior changes that she speaks of. I'm looking forward to finding out.

I am doing the 31 day dress dare challenge. I also challenged the women in my women's group and there are about 7 joining me. We start on Tuesday and on Monday I will be at Old Navy taking advantage of my 10% military discount and filling in my wardrobe with a few casual pieces.

What would Our Mother Mary wear if she lived today? Would I be someone she would want to hang out with? Will wearing skirts all month help me to be more like my ultimate role model? And who wouldn't want to be more like her?

Who wants to join me?

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